May 27, 2011

express yourself

captured by hayal-ist 

we are nothing but a personification of our dreams

said george koukis.
a humble. entrepreneur. 
met. spoke. and was greatly inspired by koukis.
who just went after his dream.
his company temenos. 
its not important owning a fortune. 
the most important thing is how you get that fortune.
because 'your fortune is in your integrity'. 
i absolutely believe this! 
in his first meeting with his staff he said:
I was born with some defects -
I regard sleep as a waste of time.   I am not jealous.  I do not fear anything.  I do not believe in Luck.   I am not superstitious.   I am not revengeful, an eternal optimist and a believer in human intellect.

May 21, 2011

rocky rocks!

do you know the story of rocky?
i mean the real story? 
anthony robbins tells... 
how rocky came about....

just amazing!!!!!

sumac. summaq. sumak. sumaki.

another exquisite spice.
the taste is sour.
used in middle eastern, central asian and arabic cuisines.
a sprinkle over rice, salads, meat and fish.
also treats and prevents stomach upsets.

spice it up

i appreciate spices.
for its.
flavour. texture. smell. colour. nutrition.
the history of spices goes back 7000 years!
to the days where sailing ships were carrying
indian spices to egypt, arabia and mesopotamia.
in the middle ages they used to exchange gold for 
cinnamon and pepper. 
these days we just do not notice the 'real luxuries.'
i was at the spice bazaar yesterday and bought 
a sachet of my favourite spice - cinnamon sticks. 
cinnamon sticks for me is a substitute for sugar!  

May 19, 2011


etymology is one of my many topics of curiosity.
quite frequently i research the deeper meaning of words 
and where it derives from.
this months word is...
in japanese -  'colourful one' or 'beautiful'
in korean -  it may come from 'loved'
aya is also a reasonably common muslim first name. 
the verses of the quran are also sometimes referred to as aya's.
aya was also a sumerian goddess

then there is the meaning of wisdom
as in aya sophia - the museum in istanbul
it is also the name of an israeli bird of prey.


no matter where you are in life.
you think.
you attract the people surrounding you.
you attract the work you are doing.
you attract the place you are in at this moment.

1530s, from L. attractus, pp. of attrahere "to draw, to attract," from ad- "to" + trahere "draw" 

May 09, 2011

great expectations

what leads us.
to the greatest of disappointments. 
is those great expectations.

did you know corn is the 2nd most important crop in the world!

time to leave a mark

as i browsed through the TED videos.
i came across JR.
he was the TED prize winner of 2011.
who says one man can't make a difference!
just take a look at JR!
'im simply doing art'

May 03, 2011

astonish me

a page from one of my all time favourite books.
whatever you think think the opposite.
a short, quick, witty read by paul arden.

knowledge map

i came across this beautifully designed map.
theme is 'knowledge' by marian bantjes

thought creates thought

knowledge studies others
wisdom is self-known
muscle masters brothers
self-mastery is bone
content need never borrow
ambition wanders blind
vitality cleaves to the marrow
leaving death behind.

lao tzu.
